Hind & Nick - Plaza Rive Sud Wedding

Let’s face it. Weddings have become even more special this past year and it was 100% the case for Hind and Nick on their big day.

Hind reached out to me October 31 2019 for her wedding day which was originally supposed to be August 8th of 2020. As covid would have it- their wedding had to be moved one more year which fell on a hot humid Friday afternoon in August 2021. Undeterred, they said they were NOT postponing again. OFF to the races..it was wedding day and I couldn’t be more excited!

They both made it clear that they hated photos that were super posed. (don’t we all?) They wanted the day to be free flowing, easy, and relaxed. I got the memo as did Steve my incredible assistant and we took the day in stride. THEIR stride.

Hind and Nick celebrated the night away at the beautiful Rive Sud Golf Course in the South Shore. Everything was absolutely perfect especially the happiness they exuded every minute. They treated us as though we were guests, which only makes us work happier, harder and with more passion. So win win? Take a look below and let me know what you think…because I sure think so ;)


Raph & Christine


Lauryn & Anton